The ORIGINAL Club of Spoken English. Winter Sauna in the Mountains
Photo album-1
Photo album-2 Sauna


Photo album-3

The winter hike with sauna

by Otabek

My friends had gone to the mountains. We had to speak only English. We had gone to the mountains for two days. We have started January,11, and came back home January,12. After the railway station Karankul we went only up in the mountains. My friends spoke English between themselves, and I listened to their talks.The first day it was difficult for me to speak English, but I tried. We had seen many beautiful places on the way. After three kilometers we had lunch. I think it was middle of our way. After lunch we again went up and up.
There were dirty, bad ground and snow, and frozen ground. We reached the grotto, where we were going to spend night, Saturday at 6 p.m. We cooked our supper there. We had spoken to each other, and I spoke too. I asked our chief where will we sleep in this rock, how will we make tea, where will we take water from, about these mountains. It was cold. We prepared our bed and slept for all night because we were very tired.
Next day we had breakfast, then we came back to our traces. We made sauna. After sauna and lunch we went our way on. The second day I spoke English more. We arrived to Karankul station at 5 p.m, and came to our city by train.

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