Chimgan Mountain challenged me in ways that I did not think were possible.
Physically           I was ready for the challenge of a grueling        on a
10,800ft          mentally I was not prepared for the challenges      were
ahead of me.        I did not feel that the climbing was      difficult the
fact            ip of a handhold or foothold could have...well, you get the
idea.  The         was better than we could have hope for, beautiful
sunshine     moderate temperatures.   At night it did not get too cold.
There we saw  many stars in the sky that the Big Dipper was almost difficult
to see because  it blended in so well with the stars.  We saw many satellites
and a mysterious flashing star that moved indiscriminatedly around    sky
seeming         pictures of us.  Sliding down the mountain     as
exhilirating          up.  We stopped for lunch on the           nd had a
beautiful        under a juniper tree that was very            Our final
descent    the river below was a cascade of rocks and             images
that I      remember for the rest of my life.  We finished with       dinner
on the          and photo opportunity with a Grandpa and         grandkids
picking         on horseback and on donkeys!  Overall        a great
experience on a wonderful mountain.  Thank you Chimgan Mountain!

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MarkChimgan design Akayomov
Chimgan Mountain challenged me in ways that I did not think were possible.
Physically I believe                                             ascent on a
10,800ft peak but                                                that were
ahead of me.  While                                  was very difficult the
fact that one sl                                                you get the
idea.  The weather                                       , beautiful
sunshine and                                                      cold.
There we                                                           difficult
to see because                                                     satellites
and a mysterious                                                  the sky
seeming to take                                            was as
exhilirating as going                              the way down and had a
beautiful picnic                                    relaxing.  Our final
descent to                                            mesmerizing images
that I will                                                with final dinner
on the mountain                                          his two grandkids
picking rhubarb                                       it was a great
experience on a wonderful mountain.  Thank you Chimgan Mountain!

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