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Показано 61-75 из 75 сообщений
15. Сергей Изергин   (02.02.2004 11:18)
Здравствуйте, andviouz.
Виола, Андрей!
У Вас обалденный сайт. Ничего подобного не видел и вряд ли увижу. Благодаря ему открыл в Вас такое о чем , живя в Ташкенте, даже и не подозревал. Большое видно на расстоянии! Это очень здорово - находясь в далекой и холодной Сибири увидеть знакомые лица, ощутить божественный аромат гор, вспомнить Виолины песни.
Желаю Вам дальнейших творческих успехов (и не только творческих )!
Привет Ташкенту и Ташкентцам.
С уважением,
Сергей Изергин.
PS. Пока живу в Омске.

14. mohira   (14.12.2003 12:04)
hi viola i couldn't find my name between members of club/ take care

13. Bahtiyor   (01.12.2003 18:07)
Hello! I am Bahtiyar. why you did not come today We was waiting you.

12. Alex   (18.04.2003 20:28)
Я прилечу в Ташкент 28 апреля и буду до 10 мая. С огромной радостью присоединюсь к Вам, если Вы в эти дни пойдете в горы. В английском я 0. Но о обучения не откажусь.
Ответ: Клуб обучением не занимается. Клуб живет. Жизнь - лучший учитель. Лучший, но жестокий. С этим придется смириться. Отдыха не ждите, не надейтесь. Нагрузим проблемами (впрочем, естественными, как то: тяжелый рюкзак, дождь, километраж...), так что мысли об отдыхе испарятся после первых 2-х километров.
Гарантируем только результат в английском языке.
Ну и, конечно, интересные насыщенные незабываемые события. Если я Вас не до конца запугала, то Join us!

11. Nata   (25.03.2003 15:31)
Hi, my english is bad, but I love mountains very much!
Can I... (can't remember word.. :) ...join yor club? Please! I'll do my best in english to go with you to the mountains. Please e-mail me how I can find you.


10. Siyavush   (06.03.2003 23:47)
Hi guys,

I'm new to your site - I've only just come across it. Having difficulty finding my way round to learn what is required of me to join this club. I would love to have a gang of English-speaking guys round sometime to spend time with.

Could anyone please brief me a litte on what I should do to become a full member of the club. Does the age matter? Do you have any special requirements for newcomers, such as they should have a web site of their own, or they should be fond of poetry or stuff?



9. JynX   (17.01.2003 20:56)
HEY, first of all I'd like to say that it was a great idea to organize an English Club..
I will try to find you and may be even join you sometime
second of all, if anyone's interested in getting a tattoo (i promise that it's totally safe, doesn't hurt and you can even get a temporary tat), e-mail me..:))
thanx что вы есть

8. Jaap and Geeske von den Elsaker   (03.01.2003 19:44)
WE are friends of NAstya from Holland. She is visiting us at the moment. She showed us your site, we liked it, zour photos about the club"s hikings very much. But unfortunatelly we can not understand Russian.
Good luck and a lot of pleasure for the next hiking.
Jaap and Geeske von den Elsaker

7. Ruslan   (27.11.2002 02:42)
Hello, Viola! It's me.

How are things? I think better then all. Sorry, I couldn't come but on Sunday was very funny. We didn't fly but we ran with deltaplan! I'm happy as never!
and girls I think too. See you

6. Alla   (26.11.2002 19:17)
Hi Viola

I see how Club is growing.
It’s great that you have the web-site!
I have been to the Club few times in 1999 and really enjoyed it!
It’s a pity that I couldn’t go to the mountains with you, guys, circumstances have changed and I left Tashkent.
I remember the concert in Lunacharskiy centre.
I keep a little book with your poems and read it from time to time.

Viola, you have got a lot of courage and motivation,
keep going!
Good luck to you and your CLUB!

Best regards,

5. Irina   (11.11.2002 18:24)
Sauna was very cool (I mean hot). And water in Charvak was very nice and wet. But it doesn't matter. I'm very glad!

4. Stacie   (27.09.2002 21:55)
Hello Viola, so long time I have not heard from you. My impression: you did improved the site: photos (expecially private) as well as of the club members give a good explanation of the club's life. I was serching today around your site with all its attachments. Look. I was happy and at the same time deliteful to find some special links, like to the site of Nika from Moscow, the site from Ira (I think a new Ira) with her very interessting story about Kiziltash mountain. It seems she is a profecional writer. I liked it very much. Also I was spending the whole morning reading stories of Nika. Such a wonderful woman. No words....
Unfortunatelly I am not able to read once again your poems, although I enjoyed doing it in Tashkent.
Hope everything is going well with you and Andrew.
with all my love to you both.
Your Stacie

3. Feruza   (12.09.2002 09:39)
In my opinion this site is interesting, informative, useful. The photos are very beautiful. I'm here for the first time, but I enjoy it. I have decided to become a member of the Club, and to spend this weekend, speaking Engish. September,12,2002.

2. Vladimir   (02.09.2002 11:33)
Hello Viola !
My name's Vladimir and I'm 23. I live and work in Moscow now.
I found your site and read about the club and it's history.
I'd like to enter the club but I don't know where you dwell.
Your club is located in Khazahstan. Really ?

Kind Regards,

1. Olga   (30.03.2002 22:19)
I see, the guestbook works.

Good luck,


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